Blog Articles

How critical can translation be?

If you’re operating in your native country everyone speaks your language so documentation, signage and online material doesn’t need translation – or does it?

The language of art

In 2015 the Brandler Galleries sponsored the Translation Challenge and we talked to John Brandler about his perspective on the Challenge and the role

Language and its False Friends

When learning a new language, you might come across some words that look familiar because of a similarity to words in your native tongue.

Happy Birthday to us!

It’s been a whirlwind, but our first year in Izmir has been a steep learning curve and very successful. It’s gone quickly, and we

The Language of Football

With the 2018 FIFA World Cup happening right now, football is the subject of conversations worldwide. Every nation has its own expressions and you

Preparing to go global

Most people imagine that first you build your business in the local market, then take it national and finally global.  However, the Translation Challenge’s

Doing business in another country

The German language can be confusing for both, native and non-native Germans. There are three different genders (feminine, masculine, and neutral), endless compound nouns,