Why Translate Your Business Card
Small, customizable, easy to distribute and inexpensive; they have an incredible amount of advantages, but they need to be good. Your business card represents you and your company – how it appears is how you appear to potential clients.
With the expansion of the Internet, mobile devices and social networking sites, a business anywhere in the world, regardless of size can gain customers globally. Local businesses no longer just sell to local consumers and so in order to keep up you need to be addressing your ability to trade internationally. If you are interested in growing and developing your business in a particular country then first step is to translate your business card into their language.
A business card, translated accurately into the language of the country you are trying to do business with, speaks volumes, without you having to say a word. It says that you respect the person you’re getting to know enough to communicate with them in their own language.
A professionally translated business card:
- says that you’re culturally aware and open to international prospects,
- gives a great first impression and it is a gesture of courtesy.
You may find that there’s a huge gap in the marketing for your products in a predominantly non-English speaking country. With the right logistics in place, distributing to this country wouldn’t be difficult but without a translated business card, making contacts would be.
If you would like more information on how we can assist you to translate your business card, contact us on +44 1245 216930 or email info@ttcwetranslate.com
Benefits you get
- Your hosts will take you more seriously
- It will enable you to break the ice quickly
- It will communicate your title and name beyond any doubt
- It will professionally present your company
- It will inspire confidence in your services
Top Tips
- Your business card translation needs to be translated professionally. By having a friend, or even attempting to do your own business cards could be counter effective: you could make errors that will make you appear anything but professional.
- Don’t have everything translated – your address and contact details need to be displayed as they are, the reader doesn’t need to know how to pronounce your postal address in order to use it.
- Research the cultural nuances for your target country. For example, if you’re targeting China then the use of gold and red colours are thought of as auspicious.
- Keep it consistent with your existing style; And avoid illustrations, fancy text and images which draw the eyes to them and away from the vital information.
Here at TTC wetranslate, we can translate your business card professionally, and even get it printed too.

Abigail Hatter
Managing Director

Key benefits of working with us
- Fit for purpose translations
- Avoiding unnecessary costs, preventing excessive charges
- One-stop solutions to save you time
- Free consultation based on 30 years of industry experience
- Professional indemnity insurance to give you peace of mind