TTC now has ISO certification!

We are so happy to announce that we have recently achieved the ISO certification 9001:2015 and 17100:2015 of international standards! The assessments took place over the past couple of months and after successfully completing all the steps, we have reached the ultimate goal of achieving certified status!

The journey towards achieving ISO certification was a long one, but the end result is well worth it. We are excited for our company’s future as we are now a fully fledged ISO 9001:2015 and 17100-certified organization!

What exactly are ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 certifications?

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard that specifies the necessary requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to showcase their ability to provide products and services that consistently meet the requirements and expectations of their customers and other parties involved.

The standard basically has seven main principles which are expected of the candidate businesses:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Engagement of people
  • Process approach
  • Improvement
  • Evidence-based decision making
  • Relationship management

ISO 9001:2015 was first published in 1987 by the International Organization for Standardization and can apply to all organizations regardless of their sector or size. Over one million organizations from 160 countries have successfully applied the ISO 9001 standard requirements to their QMS.

ISO 9001:2015 can be described like a set of guiding principles that help create efficiency within an organization by allowing each organization to define their objectives themselves. It does not dictate to organizations what their objectives should be or how they can achieve them. In other words, it doesn’t tell anyone how to run their business but helps them create the environment to run it more smoothly.

ISO 17100:2015

ISO 17100:2015 translation services standard is recognized internationally and sets a universally accepted standard for translation service providers worldwide. It is important to note that the standard does not define or ensure the quality of the completed work; it determines the standards for achieving the best quality possible by following the translation process steps it sets.

ISO 17100:2015 certification is typically given to translation service providers rather than individuals and proves that the TSP in question has an already established capability, resource and process in order to deliver a translation service that will meet the client’s expectations and requirements.

What does it mean for TTC wetranslate to achieve ISO certification?

Successfully completing the audits and achieving the two certificates basically mean that we;

  • Have action plans in place for any foreseeable risks and opportunities,
  • Determine and meet customer requirements,
  • Identify and monitor the interests and needs of all parties involved,
  • Monitor, measure and analyse the data concerning customer satisfaction,
  • Continuously document, maintain and improve our working processes to achieve maximum efficiency,
  • Have boundaries, commitment and accountability within the TTC ecosystem,
  • Provide necessary training and support to our colleagues for professional growth,
  • Make use of an established criteria for quality assurance, and;
  • Assess the competences and qualifications of our external partners.

What does it change for our stakeholders?

For our clients, it means that;

  • The quality service they have been receiving from us over the years will be endorsed by the International Organization of Standardization.
  • Our plans, processes and documentation will be developed in order to fit every possible scenario, so that we can meet our clients’ requirements and expectations in the most secure and beneficial way possible.
  • We will be implementing further and more detailed steps in our operating process that will ensure the best quality in the delivered work.

For our providers, it means that;

  • We will put further development processes in place for our provider’s self-improvement.
  • They will have proved the quality of their work as well by working with an ISO-certified translation service provider.
  • Our quality assurance process will be monitored and altered to be beneficial to all parties involved.

We are happy to have proved that we meet the international standards and the requirements of both our clients and providers in two distinctive areas!

To learn more about our services and how we can help you, just call us at +44 (0)1245 216930 or email  for a free no-obligation quote or arrange a meeting.

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