The Ultimate Guide to Website Localisation
Looking to expand your business globally? TTC wetranslate's ultimate website localisation service can help you achieve just that. Our expert team of linguists and web developers work together to ensure that your website is accurately translated and culturally adapted to resonate with your target audience.
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If you are trying to reach an international audience, you really need to compete on their playing field. There are millions of websites in Chinese – if yours is only in English what are your chances of doing business with China?
In order to appeal to international clients, you need to speak the same language. Website localisation will make your website more accessible, visible and you’ll acquire much more engaged visitors.
Download your free PDF now to learn what website localisation really is.
Engage with your clients in their language
If you are trying to reach an international audience, you really need to compete on their playing field. There are
millions of websites in Chinese – if yours is only in English what are your chances of doing business with China?
In order to appeal to international clients, you need to speak the same language. Website localisation will make
your website more accessible, visible and you’ll acquire much more engaged visitors. Let’s now see what website
localisation actually is.
What is website localisation?
Website localisation is the process of adjusting your website content and cultural elements for a different target
population. With website localisation, you get to keep your content, design, images, and the structure of your
website the same while also welcoming your visitors and clients with a page in their own language. As a result,
your international clients have a better experience, with content they can understand and relate to. It makes your
website more appealing when the references and content are all localised, bearing cultural differences in mind.
With website localisation, things that change from one nation to another, like measurement units, currency, and date
formats, are converted according to locally accepted units, ensuring that your target readers can navigate within
your content without having a hard time understanding it. We need to know what internationalisation means in order
to better understand why you need to get your website localised.
Companies do this to:
- Reduce their dependence on their local market and diversify their product range.
- Increase their chances of success – UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) claim that companies who go global are 12% more likely to survive and excel than those who choose not to export.
- Gain an economic advantage in the face of currency fluctuations.
- Receive a wider range of feedback that can lead the way to innovation.
- Gain more overseas trade, which means increased growth opportunities.
How do firms go international?
- a) Through a ‘multinational approach’ by adapting to the local markets
- b) Through a ‘global approach’ by mass marketing the same product
Website localisation plays a crucial role in global marketing strategy. The internet is the first place that people go to search for something and one language is just not enough to make them want to stay.
It is worth understanding why you need a multilingual website and its potential benefits. Even if your customers can speak the same language as you, you should set aside any ‘one-size-fits-all’ marketing strategy and start customising instead for your target audiences.
If you want to reach an international audience, your website must speak their language. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors in the global marketplace, you’ll need to ensure your website meets your potential clients’ needs.
1. Increased visibility and a larger audience
Internet users now number more than 4 billion and your website is the first contact point with your customers. If you want to get their attention and keep them interested your website needs to give them what they want.
A multilingual website increases visibility, so you will appear in more searches. It also allows non-English speakers to read about your products or services and understand them easily. You are no longer dependent on only reaching those people who understand English
2. People want to buy in their own native languages
It is no surprise that the English language has dominated the internet over the years, but did you know that 70% of web surfers do not speak English as their first language? Many Europeans are multilingual and prefer to make a purchase in their native language – they feel more secure that they are dealing with a company that understands their needs.
3. Customer satisfaction and trust
A website with only one language may not satisfy all your customers. A well-localised website could be the reason why your customer chooses your website over a single-language one.
Providing your customer with a service in their native language will make them feel at home and earn their trust, forming a basis for customer engagement.
4. Website localisation is one of the easiest ways to go global
Having a multilingual website is a cost-effective alternative to opening a shop in the target country. It can be your first investment into a new country to test the water before spending a lot of money on promotion and sales in a new marketplace.
5. A stronger brand
Your brand image is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. Getting your brand known in new territories is the first step to creating a global reputation. Every brand has a character, and a multilingual website will ensure your brand character is presented authentically to a new audience.
There are a couple of things to consider before website localisation process. Let us explain these important points to you.
Firstly, due to cultural differences, expressions in your own language cannot be exactly translated into the target language in most cases. Nonetheless, this is not an obstacle to getting your content translated. Experienced translators are trained to find the perfect cultural equivalent to create the same meaning in the target language.
1. User experience
The translation of your content can be longer or shorter, depending on the language. For example, if there are texts in buttons, their translation might not fit. You should also take your images into account if you plan to have text in them. You need to leave room for optimisation while you are creating the content and layout of your website, and keep in mind that your content will be localised in the future.
2. Doing your own translation
Creative processes, like translation and writing, take time and energy. Think about what you can do with the time that you’ll spend on translation yourself; you can invest in your business in a much more focused way. It is always a bad idea to do your own translation so work with a native if you don’t have the necessary training and experience yourself. Translation mistakes can damage your brand and credibility. You can find a detailed chapter about “Automatic Translation vs Professional Translation” later in this guide.
3. What languages should you translate your site into?
The most important question to consider when stepping up your localisation game is which language can bring you the most visitors/customers? If you are unsure about which languages to choose, then setting up Google Analytics could make your work much easier. With Google Analytics installed on your website, you should be able to determine where your visitors come from. If you have many visitors from a specific country, the language of that country would be your starting point.
4. Having a style guide
Before shaking hands with a provider, it might be a good idea to create a style guide that your provider can refer to, as this will ensure the consistency of your content in different languages, as well as proper representation of your brand. This will reduce any unnecessary, back-and-forth communication that could stall the progress of the project.
Get your FREE copy now!
If you are trying to reach an international audience, you really need to compete on their playing field. There are millions of websites in Chinese – if yours is only in English what are your chances of doing business with China?
In order to appeal to international customers, you need to speak the same language. Website localisation will make your website more accessible, visible and you’ll acquire much more engaged visitors.
Download your free PDF now to learn what website localisation really is.
Technology has come so far, right? You can get a much faster translation using machine translation these days. So why not enlist the power of machine translation over professional translation services while it’s free and improving with each passing day? Why not just use Google Translate? There is a good reason not to do that and it’s called “Machine translated content penalty.” Google’s own quality guidelines penalise the search engine rankings of websites that use automated content. This includes “text translated by an automated tool without human review or curation before publishing,” according to Google.
The whole reason for you getting your website translated is to improve your visibility and climb through the Google rankings. But if Google is penalising the machine-translated content, it is not really good for business, is it?
Another thing to mention is how professional translation services have improved with the development of CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools over the years. Professional translation service providers are able to provide fast translations with the help of CAT tools. As the content is translated by actual professional translators you don’t need to worry about your website ranking. CAT tool usage is faster than regular translation because it uses translation memory and term base. Translation memory (TM) is a database that contains all of the previously translated data while term base (TB) is a database that contains commonly used specialist terms, along with the appropriate translations. Both of these databases are updated with each new project. While this technology allows companies to translate projects faster, as the need to translate words/sentences that are already translated is eradicated, it also lowers the cost of the translation service. By using TMs and TBs, companies ensure that all sentences and terms in each project will have a consistent translation.
Apart from this technical obstacle you also need to consider your target audience. As far as machine translation has come, it still needs to be checked and post edited by language professionals. The spoken and written language is fluid and continuously changes over time and machine translation technology is still far from the point where it can grasp and transfer the actual meaning of your content. Mistranslations can not only lead to confusion and make your website appear unprofessional and less serious, they can also, ultimately, damage your brand. Providing a good user experience is the key to website localisation. You can boost your website’s user experience by making your content available in other languages for your visitors. If you want to get your message across, you will need to enlist the help of trained and experienced professionals.
Company websites are often the first point of contact for potential customers. Most companies make a reasonable
effort to make their website a good representation of themselves. This is particularly important for e-commerce
websites. But when it comes to attracting customers in international markets, most company owners somehow assume
that the language of the country will not create a barrier that stops visitors from engaging with the content.
Unfortunately, visitors do not engage with websites if they do not understand the product or service offered.
Websites localised for the target countries enable customer engagement because their visitors receive the
information in their own languages. It is important that the localisation process is well managed and avoids big
mistakes as this saves the company time and money.
Avoid these website localisation mistakes and engage with your
Not planning and documenting the localisation process. It
is important to take each stage into account as it unfolds and have control over the process.
Localisation should be part of your global strategy.Not securing top-level domain names for other countries or
not having a clear domain structure for the translated site, either on a language or country basis.Not ensuring that the content is in plain English and free
from culturally-biased content. Are all the pictures and colours appropriate for the target country?Not checking with your web developer whether the
English website has multilingual support. Some website platforms may not have multilingual
support or may not support certain languages, such as Arabic.Starting translation before doing keyword research, which
means the keywords will not be reflected in the translated text, so adapt the content accordingly.Translating your website without a clear business
case. What do you expect to get out of the translated website? What is the purpose of the
translation?Not having a clear call to action on your pages that is
specific for that country. The call to action on the main website may not be relevant to the translated
version.Translating pages that are not relevant to the target
country. Most websites gain many pages over the years, the majority of which might not be
relevant to the product or service intended for the target country and could easily confuse the
visitors.Not considering domain issues – not using
country-specific, top-level domains, folders, or language specifics.Not updating the website regularly after it goes live.
Not setting Google Analytics and the Google Search Console
(previously known as Google Webmaster tools) properly to monitor traffic and issues with the site.Not making your website visible to the target
country. Without considering keywords and TLD usage, your website may stay invisible to the
target country or language.Not having a plan in place for website enquiries that are in
another language.
Get your FREE copy now!
If you are trying to reach an international audience, you really need to compete on their playing field. There are millions of websites in Chinese – if yours is only in English what are your chances of doing business with China?
In order to appeal to international customers, you need to speak the same language. Website localisation will make your website more accessible, visible and you’ll acquire much more engaged visitors.
Download your free PDF now to learn what website localisation really is.
Plan the project step by step
There are some key elements to consider before you embark on a website localisation project. Your language service provider will need to know the following:
1. Your target market
In order to select a language for localisation, you need to determine your target market. You should be clear on:
- Who are your target customers?
- What languages do they speak?
- What are their consumer behaviours?
2. The timeline
You need to agree on the timeline for the project, especially if you plan to launch your website at a specific time. The key timeline points include:
Preparing the content for your translation provider
Uploading localised content to the website
Online checking of the website
Finally, make sure you allow a little leeway in case some tasks take longer than planned.
3. Team formation
A website localisation project involves putting together a whole team of professionals with different disciplines, including translators, project managers, web developers, and SEO specialists.
The project goes much more smoothly if you can find a translation company that will do all of these tasks, or you will need an in-house project manager to both manage and coordinate all the different aspects of your project.
4. Your budget
Your language solutions partner will need as much information as possible to provide a realistic quote, so make sure you tell them everything you require before the project starts.
The key elements of website localisation are:
- Target languages
- Word count for the main content
- Number of graphics to be localised
- Number of multimedia products to be localised (i.e. audios or videos)
- SEO requirements
- Tests before launching the website
- Who will have to approve it before sign-off?
5. Domain strategy
You should have a clear domain structure for the website based on either a language or a country. Decide if you want to remain a dot.com or be seen locally using a domain name that is relevant to the country you are targeting. If this is the case, you will need to purchase appropriate domain names for each of the countries you wish to target. You should also keep in mind that there are many restrictions and formalities for purchasing domain names that countries have set. So do your research well.
6. Your expectations
What do you expect to get out of the localised website? Do you want to increase sales, improve visibility or reach a broader audience? You will need to discuss these with your providers to ensure that they understand your expectations and the project will tick all your boxes.
7. Be prepared for foreign enquiries
If you localise your website into different languages, foreign visitors may wish to engage with you. Therefore, you should have a plan in place in case you receive an enquiry in another language.
You can consider translating the incoming messages with a machine translation tool to get an idea of what the enquiry is about and then get your responses translated by a professional translation provider.
8. Tailor your message
In order to achieve successful customer engagement, you will need to tailor your message to each audience. This means that the content on your website will need to be presented in a way those readers will understand.
If you can make your visitors feel special, they will stay on your site and explore. One size does NOT fit all; you cannot send the same message to all of your visitors as they have different cultural and linguistic values and nuances.
Finally, do not forget to adapt the design and media content of your website as well.
9. Audit your website content
If your main website is even a few years old, it’s likely to have gained a lot of pages, some of which may have become obsolete over the years. So, before you embark on your localisation project audit your website pages.
Removing old pages that are no longer relevant will save you money and keep your new website looking fresh. Identify pages that have been intended for a specific country promotion and isolate them to avoid confusing visitors from other locations.
10. Test it until you get it right
If you want to make a good impression, ensure you run comprehensive tests before launching the website. These will include quality assurance checking of the localised content and the checking of hyperlinks, forms, and entry fields.
11. Keep your website up to date
It is best practice to update your website regularly. When you do this ensure all the localised content is also updated. It doesn’t create a good impression if you have changed your source language website, but the localised versions still show old information. Make sure you get in touch with your translation provider when you have new content to localise.
Website localisation will present your organisation as a global trader and a local company. It will present your brand to many more potential customers and ensure you stay ahead of the competitive curve. You know it makes sense!
Let’s look into website localisation solutions, like Proxy translation and CMS platforms.
What is Website Translation Proxy?
The entire process of website localisation may sound daunting and can get worse if you need to translate your content into several languages. You will still need to sort out many things, which is why Website Translation Proxy is presented as a more straightforward option.
Similar to a web proxy, a translation proxy is dedicated software that sits between your original English website and the foreign language versions of your website. The translated content sits in the proxy and is fetched from there. You can manage your own website, and the translations will be visible to different audiences in their own languages. Therefore, when a visitor from another country visits your website, they won’t reach your site directly. Instead, they’ll be redirected to the proxy, which will generate an on-demand translated website using the translations.
Whichever solution fits your purpose, our clients receive an account to track the assignments, with glossaries and style guides. This account also keeps all approved translations stored, so you can use this text for other documents, like brochures and marketing material, as well as your website. Smart Connector and Website Translation Proxy solutions support a range of languages and allow you to choose between human translation and machine translation, or even both, as we name it Machine Translation Post Editing.
Multilingual websites with no IT involvement
There are several approaches to localising your website for your international audience. Website Translation Proxy is a solution with little to no IT involvement that is generally an easier process than full website localisation.
Website Translation Proxy can be performed without having to export or import files from your website. Proxy is set up to act as a mirror in front of your source website for as many languages as you need.
Is this solution suitable for you?
Yes, it is – if you are looking to serve new markets, but your website was not built in the first place with localisation in mind.
Yes, it is – if you are considering localising an intranet or a microsite.
Yes, it is – if you would like a quicker solution than a full localisation to test a market.
No, it is not – if you do not want to serve new markets with the same level of experience that you serve your home market.
Is Website Translation Proxy the best approach on website localisation process?
Websites are the digital storefronts of businesses. If you would like your business to succeed in a new market, you need to consider the market’s preferences while taking every step. You need to set the objective – what you want the website to do for you and you need to be delicate in choosing the right terminology while translating the content, creating the right imagery that will be appropriate for that specific culture, and so on. In Website Proxy Translation, all of these components can be customised for each language version of the website in a full localisation practice, but the translated versions of the website will reflect the original.
So, if this approach is in line with your branding strategy and marketing activities, then Website Proxy Translation could be the best practice for you. However, if you require customisation for each target market & audience, then this approach will be insufficient.
How does Website Translation Proxy work?
TTC wetranslate’s number one core value is putting the customer first. We develop, follow, and utilise the best technologies so that our customers will benefit. We sit down and talk with you so that can fully understand your requirements. After getting the word count analysis, we can provide you with a quote. Once the technical details and time frame are settled and the translation proxy is set up, we can get your files translated by professional human translators or machine translation post-editors, depending on your requirement. Once the translations are quality assured by our experienced team of project managers, we will send these languages back to the translation proxy. It generally takes 24 hours for them to go live.
How much does it cost?
The cost of the Website Translation Proxy depends on the word count of the source language. We will make sure we leverage any existing relevant translation memories to your benefit. Our customers keep working with us, most of them have done so for more than 10-15 years, because their return on investment is high. They benefit from a high number of matches, repetitions, and glossaries that keep their brand image consistent.
With the TTC weconnect solution, you will pay the usual translation charges – which are highly competitive – and an affordable monthly server rent (a standard fee you would need to pay to rent a secure location for any website or language variation). We can assure you there will be no hidden charges, you will be aware of every cost and nothing more will be asked from you later on.
What will the translated website look like?
The translated web pages will look the same as they do on the source website. In terms of formatting, nothing will change.
What about the SEO of the localised website?
You should consider Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) before creating content. Ideally, each language requires separate planning and work. Localising your website with a Translation Proxy solution will not give your SEO work an extra advantage, however, as this needs to be managed as a separate process. Where it is viable, the metadata of the source content can be included in the translation to provide SEO to the other languages.
Is there any content that cannot be processed by a Proxy translation solution on my website?
Your text in images, videos, or PDFs cannot be detected by the translation proxy. However, TTC wetranslate is able to cover all of your documentation, whether it be subtitling, desktop publishing, a highly technical/marketing-oriented brochure translation/transcreation.
Can Website Proxy Translation handle frequent website updates?
Yes – TTC weconnect’s solution is able to search for updates in the source website and translate according to your frequency preferences.
Is the server that the Website Proxy Translation uses secure?
Yes, the proxy server is secure. This server and Google services run on the same platform.
How long does it take to translate and go live with this solution?
Localising your website with TTC weconnect Translation Proxy is quicker than a full localisation in terms of the technical preparations, and TTC wetranslate’s expert translators can quickly recreate your content in their own languages. The website then goes live in 24 hours once you have approved the translations. So the completion time frame depends on the volume that you need to translate. This can be done with machine translation post-editing if you have millions of words. Whatever the case, TTC wetranslate promises to meet your expectations in terms of turnaround time.
Can I opt-out at any time I want and do I lose anything?
Yes, you can opt-out at any time and no, you do not lose anything at all.
If you decide to stop using the TTC weconnect Translation Proxy solution, any translations we have done while working together are yours. We can provide them in XLIFF format, which is compatible with any translation platform. If you decide to localise your website fully, we can offer a ready solution, or work on new integration between your content management system and our translation management system to automate this process.
CMSs are tools where organisations can store and manage information such as text, images, and videos.
They provide many advantages to business with countless features that are accessible with just a few clicks of the mouse, instead of spending days/weeks hand writing codes. While brands need to keep up with the latest technology to reach their customers, CMSs are constantly evolving to help the business meet the market requirements.
One of the most helpful features of CMS is that you can automate your translation workflow, which helps you to maintain a multilingual website. Cross-border marketing and global sales are on the rise, so localising your content in different languages is now more important than ever.
There are many different CMS platforms out there and if you are a business owner, you have probably tried at least one of them because they make it so easy to keep all your content organised under one roof. So, if you are having trouble deciding on a CMS platform keep reading our article.
How to choose a CMS platform for your multilingual website?
CMS is the cornerstone of your marketing strategy and improving user engagement. But deciding which one to choose can be tricky if you are unfamiliar with the concept. A wrong CMS platform will cost you not only visitors but also investment.
1. Features and Integration
- Each CMS platform has unique features to offer. You need to consider the maximum benefit you can get from each of them. Does the CMS allow you to track conversions, site visits, and how much time your visitors spend on a specific page? Without metrics and analytics features you can’t fully benefit from a CMS platform.
- Does the CMS platform have strong multilingual support? Are there any integrated CAT tools, such as Memsource and Trados, with the CMS platform? Ease of integration to translation platforms will save you time and additional work. CMS platforms should be SEO friendly as well. Are you able to integrate your SEO tool with your CMS platform? Some CMS platforms allow you to handle technical SEO aspects within the CMS. Write down the most important features you want and need in a CMS platform. This way you can see which candidates stand out.
2. Ease of use
Aside from their features, the main purpose of CMS platforms is to make content management easy. CMS platforms that are not easy to use can lead to frustration and slow down your workflow. Most CMS platforms have video tutorial series and web help sections, so it a good idea to check these out to get an idea of how difficult/easy it is to use that platform. It’s also very useful to refer to user comments and reviews regarding that platform.
3. Your budget
You can eliminate and narrow down the list, according to your budget, after deciding on the necessary features. A lot of CMS platforms have free trial periods and demos, which will give you a taste of what it is like to use the platform and find out if you will get your money’s worth.
You can find the prices, subscription options, and fees listed on the CMS platforms’ official websites. Don’t forget to ask if there are any additional fees. Some CMS platforms require an extra payment for updates, upgrades, or plugins, while others have once only licensing fees.
4. Technical Support Team
A fast, responsive technical support team is a must. When you experience problems that aren’t rooted in your side, such as a “regression bug”, you will need the help of technical support and web developer teams.
Using these pointers in your CMS search is a good place to start. Let’s find out what a connector is and what it can do for your website localisation!
What is a connector?
Connectors do pretty much what the name says. They connect existing content to the translation tool so that you can get the translation of your pages, posts, categories, tags, and menus (depending on the CMS you are using). With these connectors, we can also ensure that your original formatting and layout are retained so you don’t have to reformat everything after translation.
Using connectors vs manual translations
Manual translation means that each piece of content in your CMS platform must be extracted manually and formatted before it is sent for translation. When you receive the translation back it needs to be imported back to the system manually and then adjusted to the existing structure. This takes time and effort, and a person must oversee the project management process.
With connectors, this whole process becomes automated, as explained previously, which makes the process faster. For a much-detailed comparison, you can check out our “Smart connector vs. manual management” section and see what our Smart connector can do for you.
Let’s look into some CMS options.
If your website is created in either WordPress or Drupal, connectors will make localisation of your website easier. They connect existing content to the translation service so you can get a translation of:
- Pages
- Posts
- Tags
- Categories
Drupal (7 & 8)
All text elements, including:
- Node
- Entities
- Menu
In addition:
- Many WordPress themes, including Divi and Avada, are supported.
- Your original formatting, graphics, and layout are retained so that you don’t have to reformat everything after translation.
- Pages can be reviewed before publishing – or retained in draft form.
- Content can be imported and exported easily when new updates are needed.
Getting started
- The content should be plain and in the original language.
- Check your multilingual support. Your web developer should be able to tell you this. If you’re reading this then you’ve probably got a WordPress or Drupal site – and there are easy-to-install connectors for this.
- Do your keyword research first or get your Language Service Provider to do it for you.
- If you’re concerned that your website often changes as you keep it right up to date, make sure you have a trusted LSP that you can depend on to assist you.
- Basically, anything you can edit can be translated.
Get your FREE copy now!
If you are trying to reach an international audience, you really need to compete on their playing field. There are millions of websites in Chinese – if yours is only in English what are your chances of doing business with China?
In order to appeal to international customers, you need to speak the same language. Website localisation will make your website more accessible, visible and you’ll acquire much more engaged visitors.
Download your free PDF now to learn what website localisation really is.
Umbraco is a CMS platform for mostly publishing content – publishing content that you can translate. As an Umbraco user, you might be wondering how you can localise your website and take your business to the next level. There are several ways actually, but we are here to tell you the quickest, easiest, and cost-effective method!
What do you need?
First, you will need a stand-alone plug-in. Translation Manager is a plugin that can be purchased and licensed separately from Umbraco that allows you to handle your translation project within the CMS. There is also a full version of the app if you need multilingual translations for your website, but you can use it free of charge if you are only working with two languages.
Pick content automatically & avoid errors
Export and import your .XLIFF files
Preserve your website’s style
Translation Manager picks up the content from your website and leaves no room for human error, such as missing text or page omissions. It allows you to create an .XLIFF file, which is the default file format for many of the CAT tools we use on a daily basis. You can then export this .XLIFF file from Umbraco. It means easy, safe, and quick localisation.
After the .XLIFF file is translated, it can easily be imported back to your site through Umbraco. Your style and format will remain untouched, so your translated site will be a perfect copy of your original one. This will not only ensure that all your content is safely translated but also save a lot of time as you will not have to complete the whole process manually.
TTC wetranslate Ltd has been providing linguistic services and localisation solutions for nearly 30 years, we are passionate about helping businesses to overcome language barriers and sell their products and services internationally. Our mission is to work with businesses to make their message heard and get results no matter the country or language.
Reducing dependency on domestic markets by making international sales is a reality which is more important than ever.
We take great pride in being solution providers, and we have invested a considerable amount of time researching and testing the products we have outlined in this document. We never stand still and continue to keep up with the ever-changing and evolving technology that surrounds website creation, maintenance, and localisation.
We created this document to share our experiences and possible solutions with a much wider audience rather than just our own clientele. We really hope that you have found the information contained within it useful, and hope it will help you to make informed decisions about which solution will fit best with your setup and, as a result, lead to successful global marketing and sales potential.