The packaging of your product is critical in reaching the customer for two main reasons: Firstly, the packaging needs to comply with the target country’s legal requirements. Every country will require different sets of information to be made available on the packaging. Any product that does not comply with these requirements can be recalled and companies can also face fines from the authorities. It is commonly known that 95% of product recalls in the pharmaceutical industry are related to incorrect labelling. Even before a product is put in front of the consumers; it needs to meet certain requirements.
Secondly, influencing customers to choose your product over someone else’s, the main mission for effective packaging. For this purpose, the design of the packaging plays an important part. The style of language used on the packaging should match the design so that customers are encouraged to make the purchase. This is important, as it is more than likely that there are multiple products in the same category trying to do the same.
When it comes to the language used, it needs to be clear for the target country. In the photo shown, there is English text as well as French. This can cause serious confusion and even offence to potential customers. ‘Râpe’ means ‘grater’ in French, and the main heading ‘Râpe 6 faces’ unfortunately bears similarities to English, with a very adverse meaning.
I am 100% certain that this was not the intention or the lack of attention to detail. On the contrary, they must have spent a good amount of time on the product package design; but not taking small details and the subtleties of foreign languages into account can be very costly for businesses.
By simply using a brand name checking service, you can avoid costly product recalls and prevent your product becoming a source of offence or even amusement on social media.
A brand name checking service enables you:
- To make sure your brand name does not have any negative connotations in your target market
- To find out if your brand name is easy or difficult to pronounce
- To find out if there is a similar brand name in the target market.
Do not hesitate to contact me to find out more about TTC’s brand name checking service.