At TTC wetranslate, we understand that our clients use various CMS systems to automate their translation workflow based on their own individual needs and preferences. And no matter what CMS you’re using, you’ll find that you have a number of different options available to you. These options may include dedicated proxy translation solutions which remove the need for large file imports and exports.
For Kentico users with very large, complex, and interactive ecommerce websites, we’re making it easier than ever before to translate Kentico content including online product descriptions and user reviews using our own Kentico smart connector.
What is the Kentico Smart Connector?
Our innovative solution is designed to bring together one of the world’s most highly reputable content management systems for multilingual websites and translation management system. By connecting TTC wetranslate’s professional services directly with the Kentico CMS, large scale translations can be done much faster, helping you to reach your global audience rapidly and facilitating international growth.
What Does it do?
TTC wetranslate’s smart connector for Kentico users enables global businesses to engage with their international audiences through the simple and speedy launch of multilingual websites. By creating a direct link between the Kentico CMS and TTC wetranslate’s computer-assisted translation management (CAT) tool, the smart connector generates a simple and streamlined process for exporting, translating, and importing large quantities of content, fully supporting web content translation workflows and making it easy to create multi-language websites with various character sets.
Who’s it for?
At TTC wetranslate, we’ve designed this innovative tool to directly address the needs of online retailers and other digital businesses who already use the Kentico CMS and our leading translation services independent of each other. We’ve also designed the connector to benefit existing Kentico CMS users who have been searching for an easier, faster way to integrate Kentico content with an automated translation solution.
We recommend the TTC wetranslate Kentico smart connector for Kentico CMS users with large scale translation needs, and a need to translate quickly and accurately in multiple languages. For those instances where translation has prevented you from carrying out production tasks, in highly complex cases where proxy translation services may not tick all the boxes, and when you’re finding you’re spending too long going back and forth with your translation provider, a direct connection is what you need.
And that’s what the smart connector is… a direct line, when you need it most.
Contact us to get your project underway or find out more.