Did you know that in 2015, the UN devised ablueprint, called 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which all membernations then adopted? According to the UN, the Agenda is a “a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people andthe planet, now and into the future.”
Within the Agenda, the UN sets out aseries of 17 goals for sustainable development. These are the UN’s most urgentpriorities where member nations are to work together towards common aims suchas reducing inequality, ending the cycle of poverty, tackling climate change,preserving the natural environment and spurring business growth in bothdeveloped and developing nations.
The United Nations has a designated unit, theDivision for Sustainable Development Goals, which works within the Departmentof Economic and Social Affairs to help member nations achieve their sustainablegoals.
TTCwetranslate and the UN’s sustainable development goals
As you may already know, the TTC wetranslate teamworks out of our offices in both the UK and Turkey – both countries which arefounding members of the United Nations. As a translation company, our networkof translators stretches across the globe and, with such as internationalpresence, we care deeply about the sustainable development of those nations.The aims of the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the UN are veryclose to our heart and we, like many of our client and partner organisations,are proud to be taking proactive action to help support the achievement ofthose goals.
Here are just a few of the ways that we’recurrently working towards goals such as slowing climate change, reducinginequality and igniting business growth;
TheTranslation Challenge
The 8th UN Sustainable Development goalrelates to economic development and specifically, the creation of youthemployment opportunities and reduction of gender pay inequalities.
Here at TTC wetranslate, we’re proud to support this goal and do out bitby creating more youth employment opportunities through our Translation Challenge. Werecently completed the 7th Translation Challenge but already haveplans in place for next year’s! If you haven’t been following along, theChallenge sees teams of student linguists tasked with a real world translationproject by a TTC wetranslate client. The students work on the real brief,gaining valuable real world experience and insight into life as a translator.
We would like to see the Translation Challenge grow bigger to benefit evenmore young lives and increase employability. When asked for his take on this,TTC wetranslate managing director, Levent said: “As a company, we support the United Nations Global Goal Number 8 –Decent Work and Economic Growth. The Translation Challenge competition isaligned with this goal. I believe we are helping students by showing them thepart they can play in achieving a goal for a customer. As a result of takingpart in this competition, many students have found employment as projectmanagers and translators in our industry. This makes me very proud.”
In both our UK and Izmir offices we have a recycling scheme in place andalways think before we print. Respecting paper is important in an officeenvironment and we don’t print unless a certification or similar is required.
We have an employment journey in place which allows us to furtherdevelop our skill sets and gain experiences. This of course is gender neutraland is open to all TTC team members. We also enjoy many benefits such asregular team building events, continuous professional development training andgym membership so we can stay fit and keep active away from our desks.