We are so happy to announce that we are now triple ISO certified! We have recently achieved the ISO 18587:2017 certification for post-editing of machine translation output, which is our third ISO certification right after ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 certifications of international standards!
What exactly is the ISO 18587:2017 certification?
ISO 18587 is an international standard setting the requirements for what claims of conformity can be made for post editing of machine translation output and establishes the competencies required for post-editors.
ISO 18587:2017 covers the standards for full MT post-editing, where a linguist goes over the translated file and ensures that the text is comparable to the high quality provided by a human translator.
During the post-editing, the linguist:
- Ensures that no information is missing, meaning that the translated text has no omissions or additions compared to the source
- Uses the correct terminology
- Corrects any major or minor mistakes in the text
- Adjusts sentences structures to ensure that the meaning is clear and easily understandable
- Makes sure that the text is correct in terms of grammar, syntax, and semantics requirements
- Checks the text in terms of spelling and punctuation
- Ensures that the tone is appropriate for the target audience
- Revises the target text to ensure it complies with any additional client- or project-specific instructions or guidelines
In summary, the linguist ensures a high-quality translation that is as close to the work of a human translator as possible.
What does it mean for TTC wetranslate to achieve this certificate?
Successfully completing the audits and achieving this certificate basically means that we;
- Have action plans in place for any foreseeable risks and opportunities around machine translation
- Determine and meet customer requirements and offer them different translation options based on their budget
- Identify and monitor the interests and needs of all parties involved
- Monitor, measure and analyse the data concerning customer satisfaction
- Provide necessary training and support to our external partners
- Make use of an established criteria for quality assurance for machine translation post-editing requirements
What does it change for our stakeholders?
For our clients, it means that;
- They will have different options for their variety of translation needs including machine translation full post-editing as well as only the machine translation option and the machin translation light post-editing option.
- The quality service they have been receiving from us over the years will be endorsed by the International Organization of Standardization.
- Our plans, processes and documentation will be developed in order to fit every possible scenario, so that we can meet our clients’ requirements and expectations in the most secure and beneficial way possible.
- We will be implementing further and more detailed steps in our operating process that will ensure the best quality in the delivered work.
For our providers, it means that;
- We will put further development processes in place for our provider’s self-improvements.
- They will have the opportunity to work with us in a different scope that is the machine translation post-editing.
- Our quality assurance process for machine translation post-editing jobs will be monitored and altered to be beneficial to all parties involved.
The journey towards achieving our third ISO certification was a long one, but the end result is well worth it. We are excited for our company’s future as we are now a triple ISO certified company!
We are happy to now be an ISO certified company and have proved that we meet the international standards and the requirements of both our clients and providers in two distinctive areas! To learn about our previous ISO certifications, check out our blogpost below!