2nd Translation Challenge is Launched on 15 January 2015

John Brandler, owner of Brandler Galleries while briefing the students

Heather Doyle, Faculty Employability Coordinator of Essex University at the opening of the Translation Challenge with TTC wetranslate

The Translation Challenge is launched on 15th January with the winners to be announced 18th February. The successful competition is now underway in its second year. Local translation company TTC wetranslate and the University of Essex joined forces once more to run the challenge for Language and Linguistic students.

The students will have the opportunity to work on a real translation project for Brandler Galleries Ltd. The purpose of the challenge is to give students a chance to put their theoretical work in to practise and experience life as a real translator. The Students have had their briefing and are ready to dig their teeth into this years’ real life project. Approximately 130 students are taking part working in teams to translate into Mandarin, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

The winning team will be awarded with Certificate of Achievement and they will also get coaching/mentoring session from Levent Yildizgoren, Managing Director of TTC wetranslate.

Levent Yildizgoren said, “It is a great pleasure to work with the University of Essex Translation students. We are only pleased to be helping students to get a real life experience”

About the event:
76 students took part in the challenge last year. Joseph Di Trolio a student from last year’s challenge: “This was an amazing opportunity to put into practice everything we have learnt this year and tackle a real-world translation.”

About Brandler Galleries
A Brentwood based company established more than 30 years ago, Brandler Galleries are specialists in Quality Fine Art and Original Book Illustrations. They are looking to expand further into the global market having already attracted international customers.

About TTC wetranslate
Established in 1992, TTC have a strong history of providing specialist translation services to businesses across the nation. Its highly trained team of expert translators can handle every industry from medical to financial. The TTC team also pride themselves in their charity involvement with Translators Without Borders and City of Chelmsford Mencap.


Press representation: Lumbooja Social Management
Contact: Yasemin Yildizgoren
Email: lumbooja@gmail.com

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